We continue helping you

After Sales Service

Our highly qualified staff will be willing to advise you and answer any question you may have when moving to Spain, its legislation and customs which are different from those of your country of origin.

Cleaning and maintenance for home, garden and pool

If you prefer ride a bike, go trekking, lie on the beach or simply enjoy your holiday and new home without the hard work that comes with it. Do not worry, as we can offer you cleaning services for your home and maintenance of your swimming pool and garden.


All our houses are designed and built with security system pre-installation based on IP Private Cameras and Private Alarm System. We offer you the option of installing the most secure and reliable facility with the aditional service of security call center connection.

Key holder and concierge service

If you plan to spend long periods of time away from your new home and you want to check it frequently we offer you our key holder and concierge service.

Reform of works or repairs

If you want to make some changes or need help with any renovation works in your property, or maybe you need to do some minor repairs, we will love to the help you with our trusted professionals with whom you will be totally satisfied and appreciate the execution of our work.

Rental, resale and management

If you want to rent or resell your home in La Pinada Nature Resort, we can help you to manage the property. This is a very convenient way to make your investment profitable. Our professionals, highly qualified in the real estate sector and with many years of experience will make a totally free valuation of your home and will advise you on the best way to offer and advertise your property.



Calle Riu de la Tapiada, 1


+34 669 412 252

Monday — Friday 09:00 AM — 06:00 PM